Big-Data Optimization in Energy Networks
Constructing Tools of Various Levels for Integrated Assessment toward Low-Energy Development
Main features:
Using these tools, we have investigated effects of PM concentration on green energy transition, and cross-effects of price-green energy productions and of green power generation and electrified transportation.
Impact of Fine Particulate Matter Concentration on Green Energy Transition with Photovoltaic Generation
Security Enhancement in Wireless Networks
Optimal collaborative spectrum sharing for a cognitive multi-antenna relay with full-duplex capability and stability constraint, 2020
We show that the proposed aggressive mode is promising if SU has a relatively small transmit power and the primary traffic load is low, while the passive mode is suitable when the primary traffic load is high.
Secrecy performance of two-level superposition transmission in untrusted multiuser wireless downlink system, 2019
We have proposed two-level superposition transmission (SuT) in which secure signals are superimposed with ordinary signals that are not necessarily to be secure. The ordinary signals play as jamming signals but are made not decodable at Eves with appropriate power allocation at the sender.
온라인 증권 거래에 있어서 통신 네트워크 간의 전송 지연 차이에 따른 불공평성에 대한 확률적 분석, 금융감독연구
일반 투자자들은 주식거래에 있어서 광랜, 무선 인터넷, 휴대전화망 등 다양한 네트워크를 사용하며, 이런 네트워크들은 서로 다른 크기의 전송 지연을 가진다. 이 연구에서는 네트워크 전송 지연의 차이가 주식거래의 불공평성을 결정하는 정도를 확률적으로 모형화하고 분석한다.